Another mudslide occurred in Tyrol on Sunday evening. This time, the Gerlosstraße in the Zillertal was affected. Rocks and ...
For ultra-cyclist Dominik Meierhofer, taking part in the "Race Across America" is a dream come true. The man from Tennengau ...
Carinthian parties are arguing about a ban on the advertising and sale of tobacco substitutes. The SPÖ wants to ban nicotine ...
Government candidate Claudia Sheinbaum has won the presidential election in Mexico according to the election authority's ...
Cancel Culture canceled! Kronehit plays the love song "L'amour toujours" despite the abuse by racist songs. The broadcaster ...
In November 2022, Adele began her "Weekends With Adele" show series in the casino city in the US state of Nevada. Initially, ...
On Sunday afternoon, there was a serious collision involving several cars at the toll booth on the A12 highway near Rosignano ...
It was revealed at the end of last week that Shiloh had filed a petition to get rid of the Pitt surname on her 18th birthday ...
Father Gerald Passenbrunner is still the boss - but junior Christoph is currently learning the trade. He is the only ...
Half of the population is certain to vote in the EU elections, 21% are more likely to vote and 8% are certain not to vote.
LASK had not expected these headlines after the supposed transfer coup: But because of the allegations of violence against ...
This was reported by the platform "Politico", citing insiders. The plan includes a possible payment of several million euros ...